Join Go Share Day the last Saturday of every month
Imagine seeing thousands of students every month going out into their communities and sharing their faith, boldly and clearly. Go Share Day takes place the last Saturday of every month with the goal of students going out and sharing their faith!
Start sharing this month and use the hashtag #GoShareDay to show the world the power of the Gospel.

Life in 6 Words App
This free app will help students walk someone through a clear and compelling Gospel conversation.
Video Event
Dare 2 Share LIVE
Train and activate your youth group to share the Gospel with this on-demand video resource.
Coming up
Go Day is May 18, 2024
A day for every Christian to tell someone about Jesus.
Find out more
Stories from Go Share Day
Pass along your best practices for a successful Go Share Day.
Quotes from Leaders
“It’s astounding how the table seems set for a global Holy Spirit awakening in the younger generation! “#GoShareDay”
offers the next significant opportunity to advance God’s movement by mobilizing teenager believers around the world to
share Jesus with their peers. From my perspective God has His hand on “#GoShareDay” and will use it powerfully.”

“#GoShareDay is a great way to rally our youth to reach their friends! Teens are ready to speak up for a cause – what
better cause than the Cause of Christ?”

“#GoShareDay is an excellent way to mobilize our students to have an active role in the spreading of The Gospel. By
encouraging and giving them an opportunity to pray, care and share we are nudging them along in their journey of
discipleship and obedience to The Cause (Matthew 28:18-20).”

“Don't miss out on intentionally uniting together with ministries around the country to reach this generation for Christ.
GoShareDay is a strategy for your leaders and students to pray, care and share the gospel. Sign your ministry up today.”

“The beauty of the opportunity that #GoShareDay presents us is that it isn't about one ministry or a handful of ministries
being elevated above others. It's about elevating youth leaders and teenagers around the world to lead the way in the
Gospel Advancing movement as they have Gospel conversations with their friends the last Saturday of every month. It's
about every teen, everywhere, hearing the Gospel from a friend. When they lead, the Kingdom wins, and so do all of us!”

“Our world is in the midst of crazy times, but we are here for such a time as this. God has allowed us to Pray, Care, and
Share the story of Jesus. Our prayer is that we step up to the challenge He is giving us. May we, as we go, make disciples and advance the Kingdom.”

"Go Share Day is a great way to encourage your students to tell the story of Jesus to people in your community! Letting
your students know that people all over the world are talking about Jesus together on this one day might be just the thing
to give them the courage to tell others as well."

“Every teen, everywhere, in every way sharing the gospel. Let it be so Lord. At Moms in Prayer International we call this
an amazing answer to our prayers!”

“#GoShareDay falls right in line with our desire to see every student reached, by all means! This steady dose of highly
relational evangelism has the potential to not only reach many, but to keep our students in the thick of the fight for their
friends and loved ones.”

"This is a crucial time to join #GoShareDay because these strategies invite God's Kingdom here on earth. Our country will
see Jesus through these efforts!!!"

“Sharing the Gospel never needs to be complicated. Sharing the Gospel cooperatively doesn’t need to be either. I love
the vision behind #GoShareDay. Let’s create a rallying point, the last Saturday of each month, and let each church and
youth ministry be creative and utilize their best efforts and resources to advance the Gospel to every student! Let’s GO!”